Edge Protection

Edge Protection Specialist For Auckland

Our edge protection brackets are changing the way the construction and building industry complies with height safety. We are proud to be able to offer a practical and cost effective alternative to traditional scaffolding and ours is the only system on the market that enables ‘progressive guard rail installation’.

WorkSafe NZ is focused on making all working at height sites compliant with progressive guard rail installation so make sure you are safe and protected at height with our E- Bracket range.

Sailent Features of our edge protection brackets…


The laser cut and folded manufacturing process allows for an extremely accurate and repetitive product that is very stackable allowing for simplified transport to site and easy storage.

Pre set rail Heights

Unlike the majority of our competitors, we have incorporated pre set rail heights into all of our systems for your convenience. This means there is no measuring required at height providing a safer and more efficient working environment.

It is very important that rail heights are set correctly as per AS/NZS4994.1:2009. to ensure your site is deemed compliant by Worksafe in the event of an incident and subsequent investigation.

Absolute compliance

We work alongside a registered engineer who oversees all testing in accordance with AS/NZS4994.1:2009 Temporary Edge Protection General Requirements. Our aim is to not only meet but exceed the test requirements for each of our systems with a rigorous testing regime that includes full static and dynamic testing throughout all appendices A,B,C and D.

Beware of systems that cannot produce a test certificate in accordance with the above standard and in line with each of the appendices.

Up to 5.4mtr bracket centres!

The Maximum bracket centres with SG8 90×45 timber rails is 2.7mtrs (every third truss) which offers a cheaper alternative to edge protection as the timber rails can be re used elsewhere. The maximum bracket centres with our T6 hard alloy tube rails is 5.4mtrs which offers the greatest site efficiency due to less brackets used and a lighter rail equating to much faster installation and dismantling times. Alternatively galvanised scaffold tube can also be used with our systems at 5.4mtr centers. As far as we are aware, the E Bracket Systems stand alone as the only product in NZ able to offer such spacings with scaffold tube. Call Danny now on 021 192 6584 for more information.